Author's Vision
When a story is in its infancy, some authors know exactly how they want to present their finished story to a prospective reader. Others conversely, are more fluid during the creating process and are open to many mediums for publication. Happening all the time in the movie industry, the changing of a novel to a movie is so common that it has its own (Adapted Screenplay is mostly books to movies) category at the Oscar's. Although each way a story could be presented to your reader has its own set of formatting and preparation requirements, some ways may suit your body of work better than others, and garner you an audience outside of your core fans.
Below are 3 different ways to present a story that I have experience with at varying stages of completion.

Essays, Short Stories & Novels
The novel writer wants to guide you on the path of the story, but allows you to stray from weathered trail with your imagination. After imagining a character or scene in a novel for a long time, it is often difficult for a reader to see that character in another format, because everyone interprets the authors words in a personal way that will resonate most with their life experiences.
"I liked the book better."
every person
who has read a book
before watching the
movie adaptation.
When Wolf Lost Moon

Comics and Graphic Novels
The script writer is in the unique position of not writing directly to her/his/their audience. A script is written directly to the artist that will make the script into a visual telling like a comic, graphic novel, TV show, or movie. This author is writing so that the nuance of the character and story shines through a panel or a screen, without being able to take the reader or audience by the hand to the answer.
"Why read a comic book? It stifles the imagination. If you read a novel you imagine what people are like. If you read a comic, it's showing you." The only answer I can give is, "You can read a Shakespeare play, but does that mean you wouldn't want to see it on the stage?"
Stan Lee
Blood and Motor Oil

The multiple format writer not only needs to be able to write well in more than a single format, but the transitions need to be organic and flow naturally into and out of one and other. A reader has to be ready to bounce between these visual and literary worlds, but has the ability to make a literary masterpiece, a visual one as well.
"Everybody thinks that an important book has to be a big, long book."
Ta-Nihisi Coates
Charlie Goes North (Upcoming)
A creative workout to make you stronger
Check out the upcoming February 2019 month long writing prompts challenge to help expand your way of thinking about writing.