Going Diamond
Well, its official! New Friday (an imprint of Lev Gleason®) has picked up Blood and Motor Oil, and is publishing the trade of the collected three chapters. Finding a home at this creator owned publisher is a dream come true for an indie author like Allison Danger. In Previews this month, set to release on October 27, 2021.

Who's New Friday?
New Friday is an imprint of Lev Gleason®, as is the biggest comic publisher in Canada, Chapter House Publishing. Predominantly publishing black and white graphic novels, New Friday will be bringing Blood and Motor Oil to your LCS (Local Comic Shop) and other retailers on October 27, 2021.
Preorder your copy today using Diamond Order Code # AUG211877.

For the Collector
If you love floppies and like the covers from all the single issues, you can get them exclusively at conventions
at the Allison Danger table, or HERE!