Coming Soon
Very much like every comic con you have been to, there is an aisle of artists from fan favourites, to new comers, to big three staples and indie people who do it all. Glass Cabinet will be featuring the artists that have been involved in the making of its premiere graphic novel, BLOOD AND MOTOR OIL. Over the next month, posts and pages will start to appear that will develop into its own Artists Alley of talents in all of the different artistic styles and types that have made the project come together.
Feature Artists
Each week, Artists Alley will feature one of the artists that have played a prominent roll in the production of BLOOD AND MOTOR OIL. Starting mid July, each feature will include a short bio, some previous works, as well as unveiling cover pieces and panel works for this graphic novel. If you'd like to get a sneak peak of the covers for Blood and Motor Oil, check out Artists Alley in the weeks ahead.