

Creativity doesn't always come at convenient times, and when you have a team of people working on various parts of a project as a whole, sometimes there are multiple things going on that garner your attention and creative juices when others are screaming for attention.

Writing is where my heart is, and it usually takes the drivers seat in my creative fire, as well as time.  After having my attention on inking, colouring, and page layouts for getting print ready for one project, my storytellers spirit was crying for more time to focus on putting new words together to create new worlds.

Making projects successful is as much about time management as it is about the work itself, marketing, and a whole host of other aspects that make a creative venture successful, or even make it to print.  Books (including graphic novels, comics, children's books, illustrated stories) can be passion projects that take years and years to see the light of a self or online store, but if you manage your time well, stay motivated and dedicated, it will be less time consuming endeavour to do what you love, and love what you do.

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What is Allison Danger Currently Working On?

When Wolf Lost Moon

Getting print ready with cover work for an exclusive academic print run that will only be available to the public at conventions, festivals, and shows.  List of upcoming appearances for 2019 that will have this exclusive available to be posted in the months ahead.

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Blood and Motor Oil

Submissions are flying off to publishers this week in Canada, the United States and the UK.  With one part of four nearing completion, expect online exclusives to be available in early 2019.

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Charlie Goes North

The most recent addition to the Allison Danger creative universes, and Glass Cabinet Creative's next project.  Expect treatments and character showcases to be available in early 2019, and perhaps even at an exclusive upcoming Toronto based show.